Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a new season of life

Wanted to share here how God has been moving in our lives of late....

God has been working in our hearts for several months with a desire to jump fully into our greatest calling and passion - traveling ministry. It has been in Mitch's heart for 20+ years but the Lord has led him through various seasons, preparing him for the most exciting season in the history of our planet.

After being radically touched at the Florida Outpouring last May, we got a taste of God's plans. Our summer was spent more on the road than at home. We traveled across Nebraska and into Texas watching God invade services and bring healing and hope to so many. Yet, we also continued to pastor the beautiful people God had placed us with in 2005.

As summer turned to fall and fall to winter, our desire to be full-time on the road grew and grew. We prayed through dissatisfaction and cried out to hear if God was going to refresh and revive our vision for pastoring AND traveling or if a new season was coming.

God's answer began unfolding the first week in February and on March 10th, Mitch put in his resignation at BCF. We will continue pastoring until June 1st and then make a move to North Platte Nebraska, where God has made a way for us to live in a small apartment rent-free with a small monthly income. We will reunite with Harvest Christian Fellowship, the church Mitch was Associate Pastor at until we moved to Beaver Crossing. They will undergird our ministry and we will pour our hearts into them when we are not traveling.

Obviously, this is a bittersweet time for us. We were sent to Beaver Crossing Fellowship almost 4 years ago and love the people of the Body of Christ here. We believe THEY will be blessed by our coming in and by our going out. God has a destiny for this body of believers. We are grateful for our time here and so overwhelmed by their generosity towards us these last 4 years.

We have felt and heard the call of the Lord in this time, confirmed by countless respected friends and mentors, and we are choosing to obey. God is moving powerfully across the United States and the Globe and we want to stay in step with His call on our lives. Please pray for us as we walk this out and spread a revival revolution!