Saturday, January 31, 2009

february newsletter

The new newsletter is up! Lots of photos and testimonies from Indian. As well as our itinerary for February. Make sure to email us if you would like to subscribe to this monthly e-newsletter.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

heading home

I just talked to Mitch on Skype for the last time this trip! They were boarding for their flight from Dubai - the LONG one. Next time I talk to him, they'll be in Houston.

Thank you everyone for your constant prayers for this trip. The spiritual dynamics, especially in the second half of the trip, were way intense. God is demonstrating His power in India but the Enemy is reluctant to let go of his.

Mitch and Ron will arrive in Houston around 6pm tomorrow evening. (like I said, this is the LONG flight) Please continue praying while they are airborne. We will happily be picking them up from the airport in Omaha at about 8pm.

Monday, January 19, 2009

India trip~last day

The India team is finished with ministry meetings! It's been a great run. Hopefully we'll get some photos up here in the next week or so.

Mitch said their last day would be spend running a few ministry errands. He was hoping to do a little more shopping but there was an Indian man was killed in Arkansas a couple days ago and that has caused some tension with Americans in Andhra Pradesh.

Actually John Samuel told Mitch, he almost didn't take the guys there after there was some violence in the city after the Arkansas issue. Wow, sometimes it's better not to know things until afterwards, huh?

Anyway, the Lord has kept our guys safe and we pray they have a safe journey home!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

the Light of Jesus

I got a phone call from Mitch last night around 10:30 or 11pm. They were preparing to leave for the Sunday morning service.

The Saturday night service with the lepers was very powerful. Mitch ministered and in the middle of preaching, a woman manifested a demon. The demon was rebuked and cast out and as a result, the woman was completely healed!

He said the atmosphere in this area is much different than in Kerala. Obviously much more oppressive and demonized. Following the above mentioned service, they found the truck tire slashed.

I ask that you continue to pray for the next 48 hours for God's power to prevail in a dark place. That people would see the Light of Jesus and respond.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

winding down

They have arrived in Andhra Pradesh. As suspected, it's a whole new world, even compared to Kerala.

They arrived at their hotel around 1am the first night. Definitely a stark contrast from the last hotel they stayed in. They were told not to leave their rooms and, surprise, no internet. {Mitch called this morning from John Samuel's cell phone.} Because the hotel is so bad, they will finish there stay in a nice home of a man John Samuel knows, one with enough room to house the three of them.

The place where they ministered reminds Mitch of Beaver Crossing, only there are 25,000 people living there. He says there are people EVERYWHERE!

The driving is even more insane than in Kerala so he asks that you continue to pray for safety. And of course, continue to pray for these nightly meetings they are having. The people of India need to see God's power!

I will ask that you continue to pray for all us gals on the homefront as well. {Don't forget MaryAnn, Ron's wife} I can tell my girls' emotions are running thin. They don't cry for daddy but the stress they've been under with only mom around is started to show. We cross off the day each night and are very excited that, though our guys are being used for Jesus' glory, they are heading home in just a few days!

Thanks so much! Blessings to you all!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

God is up to something in southern India

This evening (morning in India) our small team is finishing up their time in Kerala. I just talked to Mitch and they were about to eat breakfast and then visit a cashew factory. Then they fly to Andhra Pradesh after lunch.

It's just a couple hour flight to Andhra Pradesh where they will minister in 3 churches, primarily to lepers. Be praying for supernatural healings to occur. And most importantly, pray for people to find a relationship with Jesus.

I read Christine Caine's (from Hillsong Church) blog just tonight and find it interesting that she is ministering in India, alongside Joyce Meyers, right now. It's in southern India, as well, in the state in between the 2 that Mitch and Ron are visiting. God is up to something in southern India! Keep praying!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

India trip~8

The India trip has slowed down a bit for the guys. Only conference meetings at night, so the days are more leisurely. In about 24 hours, they will fly to Andhra Pradesh to minister to the lepers.

So the last couple days, they have done a little shopping and met several members of John Samuel's family. His elderly mother is a prophet and spoke powerful words of hope over both Mitch and Ron. It was a precious time.

They have heard some reports of healing from the Sunday morning ministry time! A couple Mitch told me about - a man's heart was healed, confirmed by a doctor's report. And a boy's eyes were healed, also confirmed by a doctor. Thank You Jesus!

Continue to pray for their safety as they travel by vehicle, and tomorrow by plane. Pray for God's saving and healing power to move in the leper colonies, as they have crusade meetings in three different churches.

God is doing a work in India!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

India trip~day 6

Wow, God is so faithful! Just hours after I posted the last prayer concern, the government stepped in and ended the strike. This is quite miraculous since sometimes these strikes last up to 4 weeks. Thank You Jesus for Your power!

The guys are done ministering at the Bible School and attended a church service at 1 1/2 hours from their hotel. Then in the evening they went to the first day of the Indian International Pentecostal Conference. They will be attending this conference for the next 3 days, in the evenings.

Mitch asked that you continue to pray for them as they travel. They drive several hours a day and the road system is not the same as our American highway. To Mitch, it seems like a big game of chicken, as they drive 3 cars wide and no one really has a right-away, they just drive as they please. Just pray they always arrive at their destinations safely!

Back at home, Eric Wiezorek filled the pulpit at our church and had an amazing and challenging message about staying faithful. I love leaving church with a renewed motivation to love Jesus more. The Wiezorek family is a huge blessing to our church and especially to our family.

Thanks again for your prayer support!

Friday, January 9, 2009

prayer request

I just talked to Mitch. The services on Friday were very powerful. He felt like they had an awesome breakthrough.

He had one special prayer request. Where they're at, the oil companies are on strike. It's a pretty common ocurrance there, I guess. He's not sure if it will affect them but they do travel alot and the lines to get diesel are really long. So just pray that it won't affect any of their travels.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

India trip~day 3

It's so nice being able to talk to Mitch once or twice a day! Even though he is half-way around the world. For real.

I talked to him this morning. They had just got done with the evening meeting there. He said it was a good start. Not the most powerful meeting ever but good. They prayed for the sick. One man said he had been healed - I don't know what the issue was.

The girls finally got to talk {and see} to Daddy tonight before bed. Mitch and Ron were about to have breakfast before heading off to their morning meeting. They will have their afternoon to rest (while we sleep here in the states!) and then go back for the night meeting. He said that John Samuel will be leaving them to go to another town, so they will have that meeting on their own.

The hotel where they are staying is very peaceful. He feels more oppression outside of it but very much at peace when they are at the hotel. Atleast, they have a place to retreat and pray. Thank You Jesus.

I just talked to someone doing the 4-6am shift in our church's 24/7 prayer chain for this ministry trip. I'm very blessed by people making sacrifices to cover these days in prayer!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

they've arrived!

My yahoo phone unexpectedly rang a little while ago. Mitch is in India! They are staying at THIS HOTEL, I think through Wednesday. He talked to me from the lobby. Wasn't sure, since the 'internet cafe' was downstairs, he would be able to access internet from his room.

Anyways, they got in (after a crazy ride) and had breakfast(which he says was awesome) and showered. He was hoping to get a little sleep before heading to the service at the Bible School later. He thought that both himself and Ron would be sharing at that service.

Thanks to everyone who is praying!

a loooong flight

One day down, 15 to go! Though I'm sure I'm the one counting, not Mitch....atleast yet.

I talked to him this morning at about 10:30. They were in Dubai at the airport. Dubai's airport offers free internet - yay! I got see him as well, via our newly setup webcams. What a deal.

Even though the plane had the coolest video-watching setup, he said the flight was LOOOONG. Not able to get much sleep either.

They should have arrived in India about an hour or so ago. I don't expect to hear from him for a while now. They had to travel about 2 hours by vehicle and he didn't know the internet setup at the Bible School. And I'm sure he's going to need to sleep before the meetings begin in about 14 hours!

Only one new development - they were supposed to meet up with 2 other men (one from Florida, one from Ireland) who would help cover the preaching at the meetings. Neither were able to make the trip due to sickness. For Mitch and Ron, that means several more opportunities to preach and minister. Pray for them to walk in the grace, power and anointing of our God!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

India trip~day 1

I took the guys to the airport this morning. They got off without a hitch. I talked to Mitch right before they boarded for Dubai from Houston - this is the long leg of the trip, almost 15 hours. Correction from yesterday's post: they will arrive in India at 3am on THURSDAY which is about 3pm on WEDNESDAY for us. That makes more sense, eh?

Their first meetings will be at the Bible College on Thursday evening (Thursday morning our time). They will continue through Saturday at the Bible College.

Pray for Mitch & Ron to adjust to the time difference supernaturally, especially as they minister not too many hours after they finish their 20+ hour journey!

Thanks again for all your prayers!

Monday, January 5, 2009

India trip~ flying out

I know many of you will be praying for Mitch as he travels to India and ministers there with Jesus & Friends Ministry. Another man from our church, Ron, is going too. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support. Here is their flight itinerary - please pray for easy and safe traveling!

Departing from Omaha at 12:15 on Tuesday
flying into Houston~here they will meet up with Dr. John Samuel

They continue on to Dubai
Mitch is very excited about at least touching down in Dubai. They have several hours in the airport, please pray for divine encounters!

They will arrive in India at 3:15am on Wednesday - which I believe translates out to 3pm on Tuesday. (Strange, huh?)

I will update again soon. Thanks so much for your prayers!