Thursday, January 8, 2009

India trip~day 3

It's so nice being able to talk to Mitch once or twice a day! Even though he is half-way around the world. For real.

I talked to him this morning. They had just got done with the evening meeting there. He said it was a good start. Not the most powerful meeting ever but good. They prayed for the sick. One man said he had been healed - I don't know what the issue was.

The girls finally got to talk {and see} to Daddy tonight before bed. Mitch and Ron were about to have breakfast before heading off to their morning meeting. They will have their afternoon to rest (while we sleep here in the states!) and then go back for the night meeting. He said that John Samuel will be leaving them to go to another town, so they will have that meeting on their own.

The hotel where they are staying is very peaceful. He feels more oppression outside of it but very much at peace when they are at the hotel. Atleast, they have a place to retreat and pray. Thank You Jesus.

I just talked to someone doing the 4-6am shift in our church's 24/7 prayer chain for this ministry trip. I'm very blessed by people making sacrifices to cover these days in prayer!

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