Tuesday, January 13, 2009

India trip~8

The India trip has slowed down a bit for the guys. Only conference meetings at night, so the days are more leisurely. In about 24 hours, they will fly to Andhra Pradesh to minister to the lepers.

So the last couple days, they have done a little shopping and met several members of John Samuel's family. His elderly mother is a prophet and spoke powerful words of hope over both Mitch and Ron. It was a precious time.

They have heard some reports of healing from the Sunday morning ministry time! A couple Mitch told me about - a man's heart was healed, confirmed by a doctor's report. And a boy's eyes were healed, also confirmed by a doctor. Thank You Jesus!

Continue to pray for their safety as they travel by vehicle, and tomorrow by plane. Pray for God's saving and healing power to move in the leper colonies, as they have crusade meetings in three different churches.

God is doing a work in India!

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